subota, 5. siječnja 2008.

Gestapo 666 - Nostalgiah

01. Scriptures of Our Black Melencholy
02. Gestapo of Satan
03. Deshumanization (For Master Satan)
04. Dethroned Tyrant Will Return
05. Shadow Hate Division
06. Bestial Rites of Sacrifice
07. Hail Gestapo
08. The Forgotten Temple of Belial


Gestapo SS - Vinlandic Stormtroopers

01. Intro for the Rise of the Vinlandic Stormtroopers
02. Fist of the Zogcrusher
03. The Filthy Traitor Song
04. White National Socialists
05. Intro to the Aryan Hordes
06. Aryan Hordes of Hate (March of the Gestapo SS)
07. Juden Raus
09. Hill of Beans
10. Stormtrooper Attack
11. Diary of a Lonewolf
12. Intro
13. White Power (Skrewdriver Coverversion)
14. Aryan Superman


petak, 4. siječnja 2008.

Wolfenhords - Pathway to Lunar Utopia

Croatian one man NSBM band


2.Ancient March

3.Cursed (Bezdan Cover)

4.Following the Path of King

5.Future White Generations

6.Hatelust Cult

7.Infernal Eternity

8.Night of Pagan Wrath

9.The Eagle was Born

10.Wolf and the Windward


Aryan Terrorism - War

1. Jewish Provocation
2. Total War
3. Destroy the Church of Christ
4. Crush the Lies
5. Devastate Their Good
6. Our Banner Swastika
7. A National Socialistic Call
8. In the Name of Our Aryan Blood
